Florian Außerlechner

Florian Außerlechner is currently taking part in the training program "JobIn" of the Lebenshilfe Tirol. In the course of the program, he made an exhibition together with another artist at the Galerie am Claudiaplatz. For the omg ibk he will show two animated "Legearbeiten” (“laying works") on two QR codes installed in the Waltherpark. The 29-year-old Tyrolean had already exhibited analogue works (painting, photography) at the Galerie KunstTreff in Kematen and the Hofburg (Imperial Palace) in Innsbruck. Florian Außerlechner finds his creative muse even in the most common situations. His "Legearbeiten” are bizarre, surreal, sometimes even abstract images, which he composes with the help of utility and household objects.

Tiroler Tageszeitung – Article

For the omg ibk...

... it is clear that a liveable city, a desirable living space, is determined not only by the architectural quality and arrangement of the buildings in it, or by the standard of the apartments, but also by the right balance between built-up and undeveloped areas. Parks in particular are popular local recreation areas for city dwellers and also provide fresh air. Just as cities benefit from infrastructural diversity, so too does a society benefit from diversity. That is why it is so important to us to entrust a wide variety of artists/art collectives with the creative use of the individual locations. Florian Außerlechner's works can be enjoyed on the terminal devices of the visitors in order not to disrupt the actual purpose of the park as a local recreation area.


Project location